Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit word that means wheel, circle, or vortex. It is also an ancient term used to denote yantras and different nerve plexus in the body. In Hindu and Buddhist metaphysical tradition and other ancient and New Age belief systems, the term chakras combines these meanings to refer to the spinning, circular energy centers that correspond to vital points in the physical body. These chakras receive, express, and distribute pra?a, or life force energy, influencing and reflecting a person s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Healthy chakras are referred to as clear and balanced while unhealthy chakras are blocked and out of balance.
There are many ways to clear and balance your chakras including maintaining a healthy diet, sticking to a sleep and exercise regimen, various forms of meditation, affirmations, crystals, light therapy, color therapy, and aromatherapy. Below we will discuss the seven main chakras and how to clear them by combining the use of essential oils with visualizations throughout mediation. I have developed this practice from a variety of sources and it has worked well for me for years.
Essential oils have also been known to affect energy vibrations, and psychological states. Thus, they are an amazing and effective addition to chakra clearing practices. (But remember to always use therapeutic-grade essential oils!)
When clearing your chakras, you should work from the slowest rotating energy wheel up to the fastest in this order:
- Root chakra
- Sacral chakra
- Solar plexus chakra
- Heart chakra
- Throat chakra
- Brow chakra
- Crown chakra
Before you begin this chakra clearing practice, read the following instructions in full and prepare your essential oils and essential oil blends. For each chakra, you will mix a couple drops of essential oil with a carrier oil. I have included my suggestions for oils, but you can choose ones based on your intuition, aromatic preference, chemical properties, and observed usefulness. Have your oils prepared and on hand so you do not have to come out of your meditative space to continue as you move from chakra to chakra. For each step, continue the visualization until you feel that chakra is cleared. Then move on to the next chakra.
All right, let s begin!
Root Chakra (muladhara)
Start your chakra clearing with the root chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red. The root chakra is related to basic needs as governed by instinct, security, and survival. It is where fear is felt and determines your concern regarding the right to exist. It corresponds to your relationship with money, home, and career. It resembles your will to live, your self-image, and your primal health. It is the closest chakra to the earth, the slowest rotating energy wheel, and the chakra which ushers in vital energy from the earth to open all of the chakras. When it is open you feel grounded, stable, and secure.
My favorite essential oil for the root chakra is patchouli. Other options are sandalwood, patchouli, rose, cypress, frankincense, clary sage, vetiver, ginger, and clove. Options for carrier oils include jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, and olive oil.
Inhale the aroma of your blend, apply it to your feet, and rub it in clockwise around your tailbone. Settle into a comfortable position, close your eyes, and contract your perineum to engage yoga posture Mula Bandha. Open your throat muscles and breathe deeply through your nose, letting air first fill your lower belly, then your rib cage, then your upper chest, and finally your throat. Exhale and repeat as you visualize a red, ceiling-like fan, parallel to the earth, spinning slowly at the base of your spine. Imagine white light coming up through the earth, filling this fan and transmuting any dullness or gunk within your spinning chakra into a vibrant red.
Sacral Chakra (swadhisthana)
The sacral chakra is located between the base of your spine and your navel and is associated with the color orange. The sacral chakra reflects your sexuality, creativity, and emotions. It determines your concern regarding the right to feel. When it is open, your feelings flow and express themselves without taking over, you are open to intimacy, you deal with your sexuality in a healthy way, and you are lively and passionate without being overly so.
My favorite essential oil for the sacral chakra is clary sage. Other essential oils that can be used include geranium, jasmine, neroli, ylang ylang, tangerine, rose, patchouli, and vanilla.
Inhale the aroma of your blend and rub it clockwise onto your lower abdomen while you settle into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Open your throat muscles and breathe deeply through your nose, letting air first fill your lower belly, then your rib cage, then your upper chest, and finally your throat. Exhale slowly and repeat. Envision an orange, ceiling-like fan spinning slightly faster than your root chakra, layered above it, at the center of your being in the region of your lower abdomen. Visualize your clear and vibrant root chakra spinning slowly, guiding white, improving light through its center to your sacral chakra. Visualize this white light filling your sacral chakra and transmuting any dullness or gunk blocking it into a vibrant orange.
Solar Plexus Chakra (manipura)
The solar plexus chakra is located at your belly button and is associated with the color yellow. The solar plexus chakra relates to personal power and your center of will, truth, and self. It determines your concern regarding the right to think. When it is open, you feel in control and have satisfactory self-esteem.
My favorite essential oil for the solar plexus chakra is peppermint. You can also use juniper, frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, lemon, rosemary, ginger, and thyme.
Inhale the aroma of your blend and rub it clockwise around your navel while you settle into a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin the aforementioned breathing methods. Envision a yellow, ceiling-like fan spinning slightly faster than your sacral chakra, layered above it, at the center of your being in the region of your solar plexus. Visualize a white, light coming from the earth, through the center of your spinning root and sacral chakras, encapsulating your solar plexus chakra. Envision this white light filling this fan and transmuting any dullness or gunk blocking it into a vibrant yellow.
Heart Chakra (anahata)
The heart chakra is located in the chest and is associated with the color green. It corresponds to relationships and feelings of love, harmony, and peace. It determines your concern regarding the right to be loved. It also mediates between higher and lower planes of being. When it is open you are compassionate and friendly and work at harmonious relationships.
My favorite essential oils for the heart chakra are rose and jasmine. Other possibilities include: geranium, bergamot, neroli, sandalwood, chamomile, ylang ylang, lavender, and vanilla.
Inhale the aroma of your blend and rub it clockwise at the center of your chest while you settle into a comfortable position, close your eyes and continue breathing deeply from the belly up. Envision a green, ceiling-like fan spinning slightly faster than your solar plexus chakra, layered above it, at the center of your being in your chest area. Visualize your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras spinning at their respective speeds and guiding white, light through their center to your heart chakra. Envision this white light enveloping your heart chakra and transmuting any dullness or gunk blocking it into a vibrant green.
Throat Chakra (vishuddha)
The throat chakra is located within the throat and is associated with the color blue. The throat chakra governs communication, expression, and judgment. It determines your concern regarding the right to express. When it is open you have no problems communicating and expressing your thoughts and emotions.
My favorite essential oil for the throat chakra is tea tree oil. Some other possibilities include: bergamot, lavender, spearmint, frankincense, cypress, geranium, spruce, sandalwood, mandarin, and chamomile.
Inhale the aroma of your blend and rub it clockwise onto your throat while you settle into a comfortable position, close your eyes, and continue the aforementioned breathing methods. Envision a blue fan spinning slightly faster than your heart chakra, layered directly above it, at the center of your being in the middle of your throat. Visualize a white light coming from the earth, through the center of your spinning root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakras to your throat chakra. Visualize this white light filling and encapsulating your throat chakra, transmuting any dullness or gunk blocking it into a vibrant blue.
Brow or Third Eye Chakra (ajna)
The brow or third eye chakra is located at the center of your forehead and is associated with the color indigo. The third eye chakra governs one s spiritual quest and intuition and contains one s inner vision, dreams, and gifts of clairvoyance, wisdom, and perception. It determines your concern regarding the right to determine, to see. When it is open you have good intuition and are engaging your spiritual nature.
My personal favorite essential oil for the third eye chakra is frankincense. Some other possibilities include: lavender, thyme, sandalwood, spruce, cedar, pine, rose, rosemary, clary sage, oregano, and marjoram.
If your skin isn t extremely sensitive, you can use a drop of undiluted essential oil for this chakra, otherwise blend a drop of your favorite oil with a few drops of a carrier oil. Inhale the fragrance of your oil or blend, and rub it clockwise above the center of your eyebrows while you settle into a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin the aforementioned breathing methods. Envision an indigo fan spinning slightly faster than your throat chakra, layered directly above it, at the center of your being in the middle of your forehead. Visualize a white light coming from the earth, through the center of your spinning and vibrant, open and clear root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, and throat chakras to encapsulate this indigo fan. Visualize this white light filling your third eye chakra, transmuting any dullness or gunk blocking it into a vibrant indigo.
Crown Chakra (sahasrara)
The crown chakra is located at the top of your head and is associated with the color violet. The crown chakra is the chakra of divine purpose and is your personal connection to the source. It regards knowingness and reflects one s dedication to divine consciousness and trust in the universe. It determines your concern regarding the right to aspire. When it is open you are unprejudiced and have full awareness of the world and both your inner and external being. It is the fastest rotating energy wheel and should be worked on last.
I have found frankincense and myrrh to be very effective essential oils for clearing the crown chakra. Some other possibilities include: lavender, benzoin, jasmine, sandalwood, spruce, rose, ravensara, basil, and rosemary.
Breathe in the scent of your favorite oil and anoint your crown with one drop as you settle into a comfortable, meditative position and commence your deep breathing (remember to always breathe slowly and from the belly first!). Envision a violet fan spinning slightly faster than your brow chakra, layered directly above it, at the center of your being at the very top of your head. Visualize a white light coming from the center of the earth, through the center of your spinning chakras, filling your crown chakra and shooting out into the universe. Visualize this white, light filling this fan and transmuting any dullness or gunk blocking it into a vibrant violet. Visualize this white light reaching from the depths of earth, through your core, and out from your crown, connecting you to all things physical and metaphysical. Imagine all of your chakras spinning at their own speed, emanating their own colored light and bringing you security, creativity, peace, compassion, expression, spirituality, and divine communication.
Coming out of Meditation
When you are ready, come out of your meditative state slowly. Begin transitioning to your regular breathing patterns. Bring awareness to the ground, floor, or chair on which you sit. Take inventory of your feet, your legs, your bum, your abdomen, your arms, your hands, your chest, your neck, and your head. Recall the room you are in. Feel the air around you. Relax and open your eyes. You are clear, you are safe, you are sound. Have a beautiful day and enjoy your restored energy field!