Oh so creamy, cocoa butter holds an illustrious place in the private label manufacturing Hall of Fame because of its deluxe and therapeutic qualities.  Cocoa butter is a utilitarian ingredient, useful in crafting all kinds of personal care products, that s also supremely sensuous and nutritive.  What s really wild about cocoa butter is that, in a transcendent twist of Mother Nature s genius, cocoa butter contains elements that stimulate natural dopamine.  So this balm beautifies, heals and even blisses the brain need we say more?

Allow us, first, to introduce the cosmetic benefits of this delicious salve.  Cocoa butter is a natural fat that nourishes the skin for a total shimmering health.  It has humectant properties, which means it draws moisture deep into the dermis providing real hydration, rather than just surface moisture. Largely composed of Omega 9, Omega 6 and Vitamin E, cocoa butter builds collagen, improves skin strength and elasticity, and delivers nutrients to the cells for a radiant, glowing sheen.

On the curative side, cocoa butter is packed with major bioavailable healing components such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper and iron.  These nutrients, along with the rich fatty acids, soothe acne, fade scars, improve wound healing, famously prevent stretch marks, alleviate rashes, and even mitigate eczema and psoriasis.  When something so luxurious is also this therapeutic, you know you ve got the gold.  However, the most thrilling discovery about cocoa butter is that it actually neurochemically triggers happiness!

Cocoa butter contains naturally occurring tryptophan and PEA organic compounds that stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. When cocoa butter is smoothed over the dermis, tryptophan and PEA enter the circulatory system through the skin, make their way to the brain, and set off the generation of those bliss chemicals in a matter of moments.  The Aztecs knew this stuff was heavenly.  Now it s scientifically confirmed: taking care of the body s well-being with cocoa actually produces the neurochemical experience of euphoria!

When you are thinking of crafting a line of private label personal care products, it s important to consider the utilitarian properties of a product.  On the functional end, cocoa butter is one of the most stable, highly concentrated natural fats known.  Its antioxidant content and stability keep it from going rancid and give it a storage life of 2-5 years.  Cocoa butter is great to package and sell as a stand alone product, or to use in lipsticks, lip balms, lotions, creams, body butters, soaps, and body oils.  Cocoa Butter has been used for centuries to keep the skin soft and supple.  Its moisture properties and cost effective maintenance make it a wondrous and pragmatic ingredient.  

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