How to Transition Your Skincare Regimen with the Seasons

As the weather transitions, you might notice some slight changes in your skin based on the climate. The weather can significantly impact the state of our skin and have a long-term effect on our skin. Our resident licensed esthetician shares her best skin tips to better care for your skin and recommends private label skincare products designed for extreme temperatures. Whether you have an oily, dry, or a combination skin type, everyone's skin can use some extra love.

During the winter months, it's common to see dull, dry, and dehydrated looking skin. In the summer months it's also common to see dehydration in the skin coupled with an increase in sun exposure (SPF will be your best friend.)

During the spring and fall, our skin isn't experiencing as much extreme weather. Your skin is most likely to be at its most balanced and natural state during these months. However, there are some things you can do to prep your skin for the colder and hotter months ahead (whatever transitional season you are in.)

Seasonal Skin Tips:

When prepping your skin for the summer, the first thing you should have on your mind is protecting your skin from the sun s rays with SPF 30 or above (and remember to reapply every two hours for best results). It's also time to press pause on any harsh skin treatments like chemical peels or micro-needling. Giving your skin a break from skincare products that contain a high amount of active ingredients that will make your skin sensitive to sun exposure will be a necessary change in your skincare regimen for the summer. Examples of products that may increase your sensitivity would be stronger peels, serums with AHA's, and too much exfoliation.

Re-hydrating your skin throughout the day with a hydrating mist will keep your skin looking plump and glowing, like our private labelAll In One Anti-Aging Treatment Mist. Our resident esthetician recommends simplifying your skincare regimen in the summer with non-comedogenic (non-pore clogging) products and keeping your skin clean, hydrated, and protected. Since the colder months can severely dry out and dehydrate your skin, it's the season to lather on creams, balms, and oils! During the fall and winter is the time to book treatments that require more downtime and no sun exposure. "Keep the skin balanced and deeply hydrate the skin in your evening regimen to help prevent your skin from feeling dehydrated and dry," says Rainshadow Lab's resident esthetician.

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