Let Your Light Shine Bright With Wholesale Geranium Hydrosol

Do you struggle with skin that is dull, scarred or even severely damaged? It can be hard to find skin care formulas that deliver the deep healing needed to restore the skin to its previous state, let alone an even better one. Thankfully, Rain Shadow Labs geranium hydrosol gently and thoroughly heals and renews damaged skin.

The rose geranium originated in Africa, where it has traditionally been used to heal wounds. It found its way to Europe in the 17th century and was historically planted indoors because it was thought to keep evil spirits at bay. Today, geranium hydrosol is used in private label skin care manufacturing to impart a gentle yet extremely potent healing quality to the formulas it s included in.

Geranium hydrosol is the fragrant water distillation of the rose geranium flower and possesses a remarkable ability to regenerate skin tissue that has been severely damaged. Geranium has literally been used to heal severely burned skin without leaving any residual discoloration or scarring! For those of us with scars, pigmentation, inflammation and even acne, healing these skin care troubles without leaving a mark is a constant struggle! Geranium hydrosol swoops in and saves the day with its fierce healing powers and naturally uplifting scent.

The wonderful paradox of natural botanical ingredients is that the strongest ones often come from the most delicate flowers. The rose geranium is one of these ingredients, and you can rest assured that its therapeutic properties are not to be underestimated. When used in your wholesale cosmetics formulas the soft beauty and strong medicine of this lovely flower will infiltrate your skin and leave it completely renewed.

Geranium hydrosol is a wholesale cosmetics essential. Anti aging skin care is nothing without the ability to regenerate damaged tissue, and top-of-the-line formulas require top-of-the-line ingredients. Geranium hydrosol is absolutely a top-tier ingredient that delivers top-of-the-line healing. Use it in your private label skin care formulas and personal beauty routine, and watch your skin transform from dull and damaged to resilient and bright.

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