New Years Resolutions for Your Skin

Hello, 2017! It s a new year and many of us like to look at it like it s a fresh start. Stopped working out last year? Start again now, the slate s clean! Want to lose five pounds? Start eating clean! Feel like you re falling behind in life and need to get ahead? Start setting goals and checking off your most important tasks. We could go on and on about all the different ways to start the new year off right, but we ll keep it to what s most relevant and exciting for us: private label skincare. In this brand spankin new year, you can have the best skin of your life. Here are two resolutions to help you get there:

Oil cleanse- Yes, ditch the soap and make room for luscious and lovely plant lipids instead. More and more women and men are realizing that soap strips the skin while the right oils restore and protect it. Switch out the suds and replace them with organic and cold pressed plant oils like Jojoba, rosehip seed and Seabuckthorn. Simply wet your face with warm water, apply a little squirt of oil to your palm and massage in circles all around your face. Then, wet a washcloth with warm water and repeat those same circular motions all over your face. Take a break to rinse the cloth and repeat once more. At this point, you can choose to apply a few drops more oil for use as a moisturizer, or leave your skin as it is: radiant, soft and clean.

Use essential oils: If essential oils aren t already a part of your private label skincare collection, now is the perfect time to change that. Even if it s adding in just one simple oil, like Lavender, into your daily routine, your skin can benefit immensely. This is because essential oils contain such a concentrated array of bioactive compounds that work to tone, hydrate, repair and protect the skin that even a drop a day can do the trick. If none of your skincare has any essential oils in it, consider adding a drop or two into your daily moisturizer, for example. Or, if you oil cleanse (or are about to start), add a couple drops into your oil of choice and proceed with the method outlined above. Some fantastic essential oils to start with include Lavender, Rose, Frankincense, Immortelle and Clary Sage.

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