Whether you make your own beauty products by hand or choose to work with a private label skincare manufacturer like RainShadow Labs, there are certain ingredients that are easier to work with than others. Be it their cost, number of applications or texture, there are certain things that just make specific ingredients easier to work with when making skincare. When considering this, there are a few things to keep in mind, namely: safety, ease of incorporation and efficacy.
When safety is the concern, it is important to remember that when looking for ease in your private label skincare creations, working with an ingredient that has a higher number of contraindications or potential risks will take away from that easiness factor. Ingredients like this include stronger AHA s, essential oils like Cinnamon and even very rough and course exfoliating agents. Some of the safest raw ingredients to work with include carrier oils such as Seabuckthorn, fruit acids like Papaya and Pineapple and gentle manual exfoliators like ground up flower material (think Hibiscus) and clay.
Ease of incorporation is another aspect of the skincare making process and is a little more individual of a deciding factor than safety. Typically ingredients that require very specific amounts are not as easy as ingredients that allow a little more wiggle room. Specialty ingredients (like stem cells, for example) and even coloring agents tend to fall into this category and thus may require a tad more experience or expertise to formulate. If you really want an ingredient like plant stems cells in your skincare, consider working with a private label skincare manufacturer to make the process easier for you. Or, if you prefer to make your skincare yourself, substitute for more whole plant ingredients to get similar effects.
Efficacy is something that can be looked at from a couple different angles: efficacy once used on the skin and the efficacy of an ingredient at doing its job in a formula. This can be as simple as making sure you use the best version of an ingredient possible to ensure maximum results in both the formulating process as well as the experience the end user has. Instead of specific ingredients, this applies to all ingredients in terms of quality, source and the methods used to incorporate them into the final product. This is about maximizing the potential of the entire formula instead of taking shortcuts. Quality always pays itself off in the long run, which minimizes risk, hiccups and bad product experiences.