Skincare Resources

Soap Carving Fun

Carving bars of soap can only be considered good clean fun! One of the projects my cub scouts looked forward to was the day they got to carve a bar...

Soap Carving Fun

Carving bars of soap can only be considered good clean fun! One of the projects my cub scouts looked forward to was the day they got to carve a bar...

Making Glycerin Soap with Kids

Glycerin soap is a great craft to do with kids. The extra glycerin in the soap produces a very moisturizing bar of soap. The clear soap also gives you the...

Making Glycerin Soap with Kids

Glycerin soap is a great craft to do with kids. The extra glycerin in the soap produces a very moisturizing bar of soap. The clear soap also gives you the...

How Old is Soap?

Soap is a beautiful substance.  It is what helps us keep our friends, family, and jobs.  With it we feel clean, happy, and healthy.  So when exactly was soap created?...

How Old is Soap?

Soap is a beautiful substance.  It is what helps us keep our friends, family, and jobs.  With it we feel clean, happy, and healthy.  So when exactly was soap created?...

Sensitive Skin and Soap

Soap and sensitive skin do not always work well together. There are going to be certain ingredients that make soap harsher on the skin. Soap making is a refined process,...

Sensitive Skin and Soap

Soap and sensitive skin do not always work well together. There are going to be certain ingredients that make soap harsher on the skin. Soap making is a refined process,...

Essential Oils For Kids

Summer is finally here! Children are leaving their scheduled routines of school and activities and are moving towards a more relaxed, summer attitude. There are plenty of summer activities, however,...

Essential Oils For Kids

Summer is finally here! Children are leaving their scheduled routines of school and activities and are moving towards a more relaxed, summer attitude. There are plenty of summer activities, however,...

Clear Skin with Sandalwood

Sandalwood natural essential oil comes from a tree in Australia.  The natives to Australia, Aborigines, ate the nuts and fruit from the sandalwood tree to help with minor health problems. ...

Clear Skin with Sandalwood

Sandalwood natural essential oil comes from a tree in Australia.  The natives to Australia, Aborigines, ate the nuts and fruit from the sandalwood tree to help with minor health problems. ...